About Us

Welcome to the Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine

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The Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine* (The Maharaj Institute) is a Joint Commission, AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies) accredited facility. It is an ambulatory outpatient center registered with the FDA Establishment Registration and listing for Human Cell and Tissues, and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/Ps) for autologous hematopoietic (HPC) apheresis and autologous hematopoietic cord blood. global leader in Regenerative Medicine.

The Maharaj Institute of Immune Regenerative Medicine* is a global leader in providing experienced, compassionate, and results oriented care.

Maharaj institute of inmmune regenerative medicine- medicine regenerative-Cancer-Blood disorders-chronic inflammatory- autoimmune diseases-environmental exposure-toxins-radiation-Immune dysfunction-chronic infections-wellness-anti inflammatory program-Boynton beach florida

Institute Leadership

The Maharaj Institute is under the direction of Dr.Dipnarine Maharaj who brings more than 30 years of experience and intensive studies in the field of Internal Medicine, Hematology/ Immunology/Oncology, and Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation. Since 1995.

The Science of Wellness

Scientists in the field of transplantation have long observed that those patients who reset their immune system after bone marrow stem cell transplantation were uniquely able to become long term, disease-free survivors. Only recently have we developed ways to measure, better understand and boost the immune system’s strength.

The Institute Overview

Through a science-based approach, The Maharaj Institute focuses on helping all people—the healthy and those facing health issues—in the following ways:

  • Providing everyone the opportunity to monitor, adjust and manage the health of their own immune system through a Wellness Anti-Inflammatory Program in the interest of living healthier and longer lives through health preservation.
  • Giving those at risk today the means to battle disease and potentially avoid it tomorrow, including those who are cancer survivors but are at higher risk of future bouts with the disease.
  • Measuring and developing strategies to improve immune dysfunction which occurs in patients suffering from cancer, recurrent infections, chronic diseases as well as older individuals with frailty.
  • Helping the seriously ill regain their natural immune ability to fight and overcome aggressive diseases such as cancer and blood diseases.
  • The collection and preservation of autologous hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from peripheral and cord blood for future use in  restoring blood and immune function (the body’s natural defense system) in the same donor at a later date.
  • Educating health care professionals and conducting research to improve survival and quality of life of patients

As we move into the new paradigm of personalized and precision medicine, the Maharaj Institute is uniquely positioned to combine years of clinical and laboratory experience with new innovations in Immunotherapy and Cellular Therapy, all while giving patients the highest level of compassion, professionalism, and respect.

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Please fill out the form to request an appointment. We will contact you shortly to confirm the exact day/time.

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