About The Science
After over fifty years of investigations into the use of hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for cancer therapy, this procedure is now a standard of care treatment for many hematological malignancies, blood and immune disorders. Advances in research continue to be explored to see how the therapy can be expanded to include patients who are too old or frail to tolerate conventional transplant approaches and to reduce the toxicities associated with chemotherapy and immune overactivity or dysfunction.

The Challenge We All Face…
Waning of the Power of the Immune System
A healthy immune system does a truly remarkable job of fighting illness and keeping disease at bay. But, as we age, the immune system progressively weakens, breaking down our body’s ability to actively survey and battle illness. However, if we can identify and reverse conditions that promote inflammation and drive unhealthy aging and boost immune function, we may overcome illness and have a better quality of life through health preservation.
What is Regenerative Medicine?
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services “Regenerative Medicine is an emerging area of science that holds great promise for treating and even curing a variety of injuries and diseases. Regenerative Medicine includes using stem cells and other technologies- such as engineered biomaterials and gene-editing-to repair or replace damaged cells, tissues, or organs”.

What is the
Immune System?
The immune system is a host defense system comprised of many biological structures and processes within the organism designed to protect against diseases. Even simple microorganisms, such as bacteria, possess a rudimentary immune system.
All immune cells come from “precursor” cells or stem cells, located in the bone marrow. Later on, the immune cells migrate from the bone marrow to other parts of the body (thymus, lymph nodes, spleen), where they finally differentiate into all forms of mature cells that compose the immune system.

What Are Stem Cells?
When a stem cell divides, it has the potential to either remain as a stem cell (process known as “self-renewal”) or to become a different type of cell with a more specialized function (“differentiation”).Stem cells have this unique ability to divide and develop into cells that form various tissues and organs of the body during development and growth. Stem cells can be found in every organ but the bone marrow has the most abundant source of hematopoietic stem/progenitor immune cells with the main basic function of restoring the blood and immune system. Throughout life, hematopoietic stem/progenitor immune cells repair impaired or depleted cells, tissues that have the same basic functions in the body and that are damaged by disease or injury.
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